Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Whole New World


A Whole New World!!!

DFS - Digital Farming System 

Is at The Spoonful Of Sugar Event 

At the SoS event if you are a stuffie collector why not grab 

Sugar the Unicorn &  Arabia the Arabian Horse

there is also Charlie the Camel, 

the fun doesn't stop with the stuffies there is also the MAGIC CARPET!! and it wearable

So head on over to The SOS event 

 and  get these amazing item but its not that is there

the NEW sea salt server is also available there

which you can catch the new Lobster,Seaweed,Tentical,Shellfish Buckets 

Salmon, Shark, Tuna and not Forgetting the Salt Water 

and it keeps getting better The Angus Cows are there and also the Camel Clickie

So Many Amazing new things to be had.

So dont miss out the event is only Running until the 20th of September!!

Huge thank you to Harlyn For Posing in the Shot 

DFS - Digital Farming System 




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